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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- One-Way Flows in Processing (9ACC-12) - L541222A | Сравнить
- One-Way Flows in Processing - QandA Period (9ACC-12A) - L541222B | Сравнить

5412C22, Renumbered 13A for „The Solution To Entrapment“ cassettes5412C22, Renumbered 13 for „The Solution To Entrapment“ cassettes



A lecture given on 22 December 1954A lecture given on 22 December 1954

Any questions?

Where we have the processes of communication being run on a preclear, we should be very fully aware of the consequences in terms of somatic and particularly that part of the Auditor's Code which says in it „Do unto preclears, in a direction to get them well, by continuing to run the process which is getting change.“

Male voice: Yes - yes. We have a listening to - pardon me, ignoring a communication line, it comes under the heading of uh - the important factor that would be an inactive or an inaction acknowledgment, an acknowledgment without action or return motion.

Now, there's some very weird, weird things in Communication Processing that you will run into. Fortunately there is such a scarcity of all points of the communication curves, such scarcity that it doesn't much matter which side you run, for a while. But then they start balancing themselves out one way or the other and you have to get more precise as to which side you run.

No, not even acknowledgment.

Let me give you a couple of examples. We start running Joe Doakes and we will discover at once that he will turn on some of the more interesting front-of-the-body somatics. He will turn these on because nobody ever acknowledges anything from behind him and so we get an unbalanced potential between the front and the back of the body. So that if you continue to run this process on the front of the body only, you will continue to pull things in from the back and that's what he's been doing for an awfully long time. The more he acknowledges, the more he talks in one direction only, the more somatics he is going to pull in from the back.

Male voice: To perceive it is to acknowledge it, wasn't that true?

Now, why did we exteriorize a guy from the rear? Why do we say be three back of your head instead of three feet in front of your face? Do you know that a great many more people would exteriorize if you said be three feet in front of your face? They would go out swoosh! What are they traveling on? They're traveling on the stuck one-way flow that has been fixed there. They have been traveling on that consistently and continually.

Oh, yes, but this is the trick, you mustn't perceive it.

Now, did you ever listen to a tape or a lecture of mine, turned around with your back to me? It's very possible that some somatics turned on when you did that. Why would this occur? It is simply because it's such an unusual angle to have acknowledgments and greetings and so forth from.

You have to learn how to look holes through things. You can learn to ignore a communication line, but it's a little bit of a trick. You have to look straight through it.

The greeting which one ordinarily gets from behind his head is crunch! Therefore one distrusts this side of communication entirely and as he looks back of him he has a total unreality. This is the first condition that you know will exist with a preclear. Let's look at this. We find out that the stuck flow got stuck and stuck and stuck and finally the privates didn't believe there was a general and the general didn't believe there were any the privates. Now, there is what occurred in the communication line. In other words, that stuck flow passed right straight on through to reality, solid agreement on through to utter unreality but still solid. Didn't believe he was there. Didn't believe it was there.

Female voice: This involves distances and posts, so do you run any havingness at all on it as another kind of goal or not?

What postulate do you suppose people have made about their backs? They just kept on supposing nobody was there. They hoped nobody was there. You see that? So, they reduce the reality of the back of the body swiftly. They reduce this reality perforce, quickly by their own postulates, aiding and abetting the communication formula saying „I hope nobody is behind me. Nobody better walk in from that quarter.“

Necessity for havingness is the necessity for communication objects.

We have so many stories and legends in the society such as those of Wild Bill Hickok who was an impervious gent. He used to turn bullets with his teeth with no difficulty whatsoever. I think he did for about seventy-six men. He was - he was Wild Bill all right. And Wild Bill Hickok, however, one day sat down and was dealt a hand and one of the most despicable little hoods that had ever been spawned in that particular area, simply walked up and blew his brains out. Well, he had been fooled by his friends. His friends, by the way, had fooled him by making him sit, that one time, with his back to the door instead of his back to the wall.

Female voice: Yeah..

Most everybody is more comfortable with his back to the wall than the back to the door. Well, that's a „hope nobody's there.“ Well, they keep „hoping nobody's there“ and it balances - it imbalances the body potentials to such a degree as to start flows in the vicinity of the body and chop the body up.

Necessity for havingness is the necessity for terminals with which to play a game. And that's the - havingness is a bundle of mismanaged communication.

Now, this weird segmentation that you run into of the body - right to the left side as occurs in a paralytic stroke, back to front, top to bottom - is simply communication compartmentation, in other words, cut off of communications.

Okay, any other questions.

Now, supposing we have one end of the body - one side of the body, the front side, where - that everybody is saying „Oh my, look, look everybody here I am. Here I am. I'm being presentable,“ etc., etc., etc., you see, being presentable. And the back side of the body, „Nobody better be here, don't look.“ You get that? Now get this as two different postulates for two different sides of the same organism and see whether or not you get somebody self-auditing eventually. A person is automatically making a game inside the body, isn't he? He's therefore getting an automatic introversion just by the fact that nobody must be behind him and somebody has to be in front of him. And so we get this poor guy eventually worried about himself. Just out of this factor all by itself we get him worried about himself. And because there's this much difference of potential and we got a forward flow; reference Philadelphia Lectures 1952 - remember Philadelphia Lecture Series, the graphs of flow.

Male voice: Yeah, I know somebody who has got a sort of deal, pushed, say, oh, within a space about yea far from the front of the body or the rear, you get into about here and you start to jangle. What would be coming on that?

The thetan lets go for a moment or loosens up in any way and all of a sudden he's pushed further forward in the body. And there isn't a psycho alive that you won't find, eventually out in front of his face. They go out in front of their faces forced by this lack of communication in the rear, necessity for communication in front. And they move on into the less tortured, less solid area driven by the discharges of the stuck flow. In other words, the thetan is overtly, by - simply by body potentials, driven forward, first into the body, then through the body and then out in front. And when he gets out in front then he doesn't know what the dickens he is doing.

I don't know, you tell me.

It's a very hard thing to be out in front of a body and to put your visio lines back to the optic nerves. This is hard to do. It's very hard to be out in front of the body and do everything on a reverse basis - handle the body control. So they stop handling the body entirely. And of course then when you start processing one of these boys - although a thetan is probably three feet in front of his face as a - as a person, he is - has even disowned being himself and he is not the body and nothing is in control. Psychosis could simply be said „I am out of control of this manifestation.“ So, if you got far enough out in front of the body, of course you'd run out of control of it certainly, wouldn't you.

Male voice: Well, in terms of it, I try to think of this in terms of body anchor points. I kind of think they were unusually far out for this society, and don't...

Now, a person is as well in control of the body as he is situated where he can address immediately the scene before him and the control centers, both in the same direction of sight.

He has gotten into one of these bundles of no communication. You remember that a thetan to be alive at all must be communicating somewhat. The fact that he starts communicating is enough to excite and upset any mass he contacts. He will upset any mass he gets near or around.

Now, let's - let's watch you sitting on a truck driving the truck while sitting on the tailboard. Wouldn't that be interesting? Let's have a couple of little periscopes and let's fix it up so that you actually can sit on the tailboard of the truck and look forward as to where the truck is going. Let's fix that up. Do you realize that you still have to handle the controls of the truck in some weird and impossible fashion? See, everything is the other way to. Now, we don't say that a thetan can't look both ways. But remember the body, the truck, is looking - it's the one that imposes this - it's looking in a certain direction, isn't it? Well, now you could drive a truck from the tailgate with great ease, if you simply could look at the road and look at the controls, both in the same direction and yet could monitor the controls. It would be as easy to drive this truck from the tail as from the seat actually. But not if you thought you were facing the other way. Well, did you ever watch cattle in a high wind? They don't walk into it - horses and so forth - they turn their faces away from it, don't they?

Male voice: What...

What is this energy flow - a difference of potentials - but a sort of highwind. See, it's a high wind that's passing from the back massive potential, you see. No communication equals barrier. Barrier equals potential discharge on an electronic basis. All right, so we have this potential discharge sitting behind the guy and we have an area to discharge into sitting in front of the guy because it's being vanquished all the time. In other words, it's being melted down, you might say. He's saying „hello“ and he's thinking and other people are saying things to him and he's drinking and saying „hello“ to the bottle and you know he's in communication up here, he's not in communication back there and so we get this forward flow. It's a high wind to a thetan. And he will fight against it so long trying to shut off the back - the flow. But now, all of a sudden he decides that there isn't anything he can do about this flow anyhow. It's out of control. At this moment he'll find himself facing the direction of flow. The cattle finally evolve into buffalo and buffalo always face in to the wind. This is a wild one. Buffalo's got no sense at all, he no sense at all. And he'll stick his face into the wind. Any northern starts blowing - as a matter of fact he's tried to compensate for it now by growing hair up around his haunches and forward part of his body, shoulders, so that he can brave this meanwhile with his wind - with the wind tearing his eyeballs out. This is the state of a thetan who is having a hard time controlling the body.

You talk about the universal solvent; this is a thetan.

What does this have to do with ability? Supposing you were standing on the tailgate of a truck and running the truck perfectly competently. Now, supposing you're out in front of the truck and you're looking back at the motor, back at the controls, and you're just faced in that direction fixedly. And you're supposed to drive this truck forward towards yourself. Who would you think was under attack? You'd sure think you were. And what's going to happen the first - the first thing that gets bitten there is thee.

Male voice: Chemical reactions take place where it will.

The body could be called a barricade, a barrier, something to protect an individual, a thetan. Well, it certainly doesn't protect him anymore when he's out in front of it looking back at the face trying to monitor the motor control centers - it certainly doesn't make sense to him anymore. He's under attack. This body is not protecting him. He has to get rid of it, etc. He can't control it. It can't control anything else. It can't protect him from anything and there he is.

Yes, so that's what happens. He gets in toward one of these ridges; he gets in toward a ridge, the ridge starts to run out, and there we go.

Basically, where did all this begin? Well, it began by a lack of acknowledgment on the part of a body of the presence of a thetan who had spoken to it. That's where it begins. That's actually the facts. That is where the whole trouble started. There's this body standing there, you know, an animal; and it was standing there and the thetan says „What are you doing around here?“ The thetan says „What the hell are you doing around here? Hey! I'm talking to you! Spat!“ He instantly tried to touch that much no communication - he went out of communication.

Why do you think it is that simply looking at something will make it vanish as far as a thetan is concerned? We know that this will take place. All right, that's because he goes into communication with it and it is a mismanaged communication. To be an it, to be a something, we must have had a mismanaged communication of one kind or another.

You will find these facsimiles sitting around the track in any preclear. He'll have - he'll have a bright visio of a body standing there. It's a stuck visio. Right after it there is blackness. He moves from an area of communication where he is possibly communicating, you see, it's possible for him to communicate into an area of relatively low communication. And the first thing that this will do to him is tell him that he's out of communication and he will go into a sort of an apathy about the whole thing. He'll say „Look, I am out of communication.“

That's why we say „God built this universe.“ Now that is a mismanaged communication, per se, it is right there. God did not build this universe. And so that is mismanaged so there is the wrong point of origin, see, some point of origin is mocked-up, and so on.

The moment you put a beam on a body to swat it or nip it or something like that, you're in trouble because it's an out-of-communication mechanism, and so is a trap of sorts. Now, we have somebody inside a body and we say to him „How are you Joe?“ As an auditor we get into the same damn condition this thetan got into when he was outside trying to make that body talk. Right? Huh? Only we're civilized enough so that we don't go swap! We simply take his valence and somatic. Look at that real good. Any ally that your preclear is interiorized into valencewise, any ally, was badly out of communication if there has been a swap of valences. Look that over. Any ally whose characteristics your preclear has, was an out of communication character. And yet this preclear will remember that this ally was kind, friendly, good to him, that this person did speak to him, did greet him, did listen to his troubles, yap-yap-yap-yap-yap, until we start running the communication formula on him. You say, 'All right. Have that - have that ally stand up there. Have Grandma stand up there and start saying “okay.”

A very fascinating thing starts to occur for the individual, if you start to have all the places where you thought of God being start saying „Hello.“ Fascinating things occur with the individual, his life as a bishop runs out and oh, my gosh! So this is a mismanaged communication. It evidently results in mass.

„Why she never said okay in her life. She never said yes or no or okay or anything like that.“

I won't go so far to say that there isn't mass; there isn't mass. A mass could exist you see that isn't mismanaged communication. But the oddity is - is every time you go into communication with mass, it to some degree deteriorates.

One I ran into - this is an actual case - I had the preclear say - had the ally say yes and no, just those two things: yes and no. All of a sudden the preclear says „You know,“ because this preclear was very indefinite - you'd ask this preclear, „Do you want a drink of water?“ - preclear was obviously in that ally's valence, you see. Some ally's valence who was very unpositive. So, I just started looking around for allies and had him mock up one saying yes and no just as a wild shot in the dark and hit it right square on the head. And this preclear says, „You know, that person had no dignity at all. Grandpa had no dignity. None! Because he never gave a positive answer to anything. Any time you'd come in and say anything to Grandpa, he'd give you a lot of drivel. It was all superconditional. Everything was all conditional on all other things and these things were conditional on other things and he'd tell you all about the conditions and you'd finally walk off without any yes or no. And you eventually - I got kind of frantic trying to get Grandpa to say something about something.“

Female voice: At which level could you start running this, if you have a preclear who comes in to your org, and you can see exactly what it is that he needs? Would you run him through the Six Steps?

But Grandpa ran out. There was his communication freak. He would, he would answer, he would greet. He would originate communications and tell stories. He was a nice guy. But the only thing that he did that was completely off the beat was some sort of an obsessive explanatory line instead of an acknowledgment. See, a conditional acknowledgment. There was no actual communication inflow and all there was, was a conditional sort of a blather outflowing.

You said it.

„Well, you remember what happened the last time I gave you a nickel.“ See?

Female Voice: Hum.

„Grandpa, can I have a nickel?“

I might omit the last two steps, Remedy of Havingness.

„Well, you remember the last time I gave you a nickel. You remember what happened, you got that bag of candy and you got in trouble with your mother,“ and so forth and so forth and so forth and so forth and so forth. „I remember when I was a little boy I had to get out and I had to get out and polish shoes every time I wanted a nickel,“ and yappity-yappity-yappity, yappity-yappity-yappity-yappity, yappity-yap until the subject of the conversation was either forgotten or Grandpa would simply hand over a nickel after saying for fifteen minutes that there was no slightest possibility of doing this, you see. And this trick all by itself had, well it was aided and abetted by the fact that Momma was continually telling this particular preclear that he mustn't be like Grandpa, making an enforcement on the other side. But actually this communication block was the main factor because when it was resolved he all of a sudden went out of Grandpa's valence. Flip! He says, „It's very funny. He's going away, he's going a - . Where the hell is he?“

Female Voice: And Spotting Spots.

He all of a sudden did a separation of universes. Now, remember how long we worked for a separation of universes with 8-D? It's a long time, hm? Well, Communication Processing will give you a separation of universes in a rather a short period of time.

.. and Spotting Spots. I might omit them.

Well, let's get back and look at this thing, then, and we find out that this individual is very forcefully stuck - face on. See, he's stuck toward the face and not much stuck toward the back. And if he's not much stuck toward the back then he's going to be driven from the back, isn't he? If he mustn't - if he never puts his attention upon his back he's going to be driven away from his back.

Female voice: But they are -

Here's a process which exteriorizes a preclear consistently. I won't say in how many hours but it's a very finite number of hours. Is you merely have hello and goodbye, hello and goodbye and yes and no and okay and all right behind him. And you just run it behind him for a little while and the next thing you know he's starting to get calm. You wonder why he's getting calm. As a thetan he's no longer holding onto these masses of energy which are holding onto masses of energy which are holding onto masses of energy because he's liable to slip out through the front of his face. And this in itself is a tension and an anxiety.

But I would certainly do some 8-C and I would do some duplication. I wouldn't be able to resist doing some duplication on him, I want to see him sweat just a little bit because - to show him how bad it could get before I make him better just to impress him more. He wouldn't be impressed with the processing.

So, let's just take this body pole which is the noncommun - most noncommunication area of the body - if you've noticed while I've been running these processes on you in a group you've gotten, quite often, bad somatics back here on the back of the head or the neck. I was making the back of the head say „hello“ there in one group processing session. That's a horrible thing to have happen.

Yes, Miriam?

Funny part of it is when you've knocked flat that back potential of the body, several things occur to the body. It is not a natural state of affairs for the body to be faced so thoroughly forward - not a natural state of affairs. The body should be able to relax, should be able to dance backwards and move backwards. And did you ever run into a dancing partner that could not dance backwards? You girls? You guys, I wonder if you ever danced backwards. A girl has no other choice. She is always being pushed backwards by her partner. That's right isn't it?

Female voice: Ron, do I understand, as you were doing that, you say, for instance, „Have your shoulder, say hello to your middle of the back. And then have the middle of the back say hello to the shoulder.“ Then if he said „My stomach has a somatic,“ you would say, „Have the stomach say hello to the back....“

All right. If you were to just reduce this - well, now let's forget about a thetan and let's just look at this object called a body and if you were to reduce from behind the body this tremendously solid potential that's there so as to reduce this flicker and flow. You'll find out a little kid doesn't have this by the way. It's not there. He holds his looks rather well. And right up to the age maybe of - not necessarily everybody, but the majority - hold the body shape up to twenty-one, something like that. And then something starts happening to the body shape.

No. No. Don't change your process, Miriam, which is creating a change.

What does happen to the body shape? This back potential is charging up, charging up, charging up, no communication, no communication. And the front of the body is outflowing, outflowing, outflowing, outflowing and the body starts to distort - face, chest and so forth all start to distort. Now, you want to put that back in shape again, you want to put that back in shape again, why, all you'd have to do would be to run hello, goodbye and okay and so on. Just have him keep mocking them up. Have the back of his head say hello a few times to the small of his back and the small of his back acknowledge and you'll find out that with great ease he'll go into a scattering and this you must keep him out of. He'll go into a scattering of communication with great ease. Something is saying yes and something else is saying no and something is saying hello and the acknowledgment pattern - the curves aren't being run at all and it just starts to get more and more random so you have to start policing a preclear.

Female voice: Well, I wasn't sure whether it was like the finger thing - observe my finger, observe my finger, observe my finger.

Why does it get this random? Well, that is why it is a bundle or a mass. It is that random, you see. It was so random that it eventually balled up into a ball, and so we would simply reduce this mass of energy at a person's back and tell him to be three feet out of his head. That's very modern exteriorization. We just work on him until we reduce this mass of energy. We don't worry about pushing him out of his face. Of course the fact of the matter is he could go on out of his face. But do you know that if he has to desert this body without exerting his control over it or without being in control of it, he will exteriorize in such a degraded state that you won't be able to do anything with him. He'll go back in, too.

No, it isn't. It isn't. Here is the weirdity about this. Once you have started to make an area communicate, why for heaven sakes go on and make it communicate as long as you get change.

So, let's look it over and find out that most people are making a game out of the body by having half of the body, just mechanically, have one-half of the body being against the other half of the body. The front half of the body has to resist backwards, of course, against this flow which is there. The back of the body feels - it feels as though it's pressing forward and is trying to attack the front of the body giving people a sort of a manic attitude about life. They have to get going, they don't have any time, they have to get things done. They're being driven. You see, all these oddities of computation that could result.

Now, you as an auditor could make a mistake on which area you wanted to have start communicating. That's why I am giving you this talk about the back of the body. It would be a mistake to make masses in front of the body start communicating. Why? Because the back ridge would just keep discharging, and you would have everything running through the body, and there isn't any reason to chew up the body when you can just start in, in back of the body, you see?

Well, the final analysis is that the body does not have to be a set of electrical potentials of this artificial character. It has a set of electrical potentials and you could take these apart with the communication formula. These potentials however, are its anchor points. And these anchor points are corroded to the degree that they are out of communication. Quite cute. See, they're as black and as forgotten as they out of communication.

Female voice: Well, the rest was clear but I was not certain about that one.

So, as you are running toward a person's back you'll find that eventually the tractor character of the body itself, the in pull (like gravity of the body itself) when released permits the anchor points of the body to go out where they belong. Where do they belong? Well, there's one planet up the line which has a body type not unlike Homo sapiens. They're not unlike it. Possibly they're many anatomical differences, maybe the glandular system is differently placed or something like this, you know, that could be. But it's two eyes, two arms, two legs, very good physical form from a Greek standpoint and from a human being standpoint they - here on Earth, one would look at these people with considerable amazement and say „My lord, where did that beautiful man come from? Where did that beautiful woman come from? Whee!“

That's right, you just would - if you started in saying „Shoulder say hello to the front of the back,“ pardon me, I mean, „the small of the back“ - „the small of the back say hello to the shoulder,“ if you were to going to keep this up for any length of time, that would be the process which you elected, and you would simply, regardless of whether or not his right arm went numb or the top of his head flew off, or if he flew into an epileptic fit, you would simply continue that particular process.

Well, I wouldn't know exactly, never having taken a foot rule from Earth to this other planet, what the relative size is. I wouldn't be able to tell you. I believe though from relative gravities and so forth that these people are maybe just a little bit bigger, maybe seven feet tall, something like that. But their anchor points are miles out, miles out. And Homo sap has his anchor points feet out. And when the fellow's in pretty good shape they're yards out. When they're in pretty good shape they're yards out. But it's quite an amazing difference here, quite an amazing difference. Now, if you can get somebody's anchor points out to something like a decent, proper or normal, not a normal but a decent or proper range you would find out that his comfort would markedly increase. He would be more comfortable. He would also be more calm and the body would be far more obedient and much less afraid.

You would find out that the reason why all these other things took place is you were displacing an energy mass, see, and it was going over that way. Okay.

All right. The mechanical aspect simply of an individual talking or communicating front all the time will eventually wind the body up in the soup, but what do we care about this? What do we care about it? If we know Communication Processing, we don't give a damn about how much we would outflow in one direction. We wouldn't care how many stuck flows we set up around him. There's no liability to a stuck flow. So, you look around and you find the flows stuck so you throw some hellos into it. You throw some acknowledgments into it. In other words, you just patch it up.

Female voice: Good.

The routine procedure of auditing would be to exteriorize somebody and put him - put him in pretty good condition and make his liability of being snatched up again by the body rather less, huh? Well, if you put a preclear into that condition, then you'd have him there, wouldn't you? And supposing you'd processed him a lot on this process, he really couldn't help but learn how to do this process. Sooner or later along the line he'd get a little bit cockier, triumphant about this thing, you know. He won't care what he gets into. Runs into a theta trap, starts to knock his valence around one way or the other and starts having the corners of the trap say hello, okay, thank you, goodbye. The thetan will be able to say goodbye. Theta trap? What the hell is a theta trap? Get the idea? Now naturally with a good solid workable process you would get toward a good solid workable existence. But remember something, a thetan loves a game. This is where it all gets booby-trapped beautifully.


He loves a game. He'll accept this impossible, goofball condition of opposite terminals on the body, both smashed together real tight, everything out of communication and flows going in all directions and death and old age and by the way I'll make a remark there; old age is directly traceable to the imbalance of potential terminals in the body, imbalance of terminal potentials in the body to be more accurate. You say this is old age, this is old age, too. The cells don't get old. The body is doing what it is supposed to do it thinks, run this cycle, you see. And - however it is aided and assisted by these buildups to such a very marked degree that it is these buildups will increase its agedness. Let's take such as thing as a few wrinkles in the face, something like that. They are held there by these noncommunication ridges. And if you want to knock them out why then just knock out the opposite ridge.

Yes, Tam.

But let me give you a very positive clue in processing this; another slight aside here. There's a positive thing about processing this. He is normally least fixated upon the most damaging terminal. It has already gone through the cycle of utter unreality - to utter unreality. See that? It is already utterly unreal, the most damaging terminal there is. And it is outflowing at him. It is driving him away from it. These hollow spots, heh! in the body, these hollow spots, these nonexistent parts of the body. These anaesthesed areas of the body and so forth will be looked upon as fairly safe by the preclear because he doesn't believe anything is there. And then start processing them and my golly they get more darn solid than anything he has ever experienced; and painful.

Female voice: There is another game, too, apart from just fighting communication and doing something like that; there's a game of instigated communication from another source and then, nothing there, you withdraw it and then you instigate it, right sort of - just starts to taper off and you turn it on again, and then, nothing there. This is - how do you know? 1 mean, I know...

Now, let's take a case of gallstones that turns on and off you know? All of a sudden one day the guy has gallstones. Then he gets better and then he has gallstones. And then he gets better, and he has another attack of gallstones. You - the opposite is happening there to what you would think. There is an out of communication area in the vicinity of the gallbladder, which is, you know, it's real out of communication. The guy starts to go into contact with it by a jolt or something like this, he starts to go into contact with it, starts communication with it, and then flicks right away and stops communication. So, he gets a gallbladder attack. Why? He reactivated it into some solidity and it dramatizes solidity for a little while. And he says, „That's too painful,“ goes out of communication with it again and the gallbladder attack subsides.

That is the finest trap in the world.

What do you think is going to happen in processing? Well, if you were to just take a lick and a promise with this process and then walk away, your preclear is liable to get sick from something. So what, he's just a preclear. But at the same time, he's liable to get sick from something. So, when you start to run out a process of this character, you must be very well aware of the fact that you should continue it until it is very flat. As I told you earlier this - in this lecture, you want to make very, very sure that you run it as long there is process change going on. And that can be quite awhile. You don't have to run it all in the same session but you certainly should get back at it again. Don't be surprised if he developed aches, pains and ills that he had never heard of before as far as he was concerned while the process is being run. So what! If he thought it over he would remember faintly and vaguely having had a twist of this when he was a kid, see, he would remember this.

Female voice: Yes, how do you gain, how do you run it out?

Now, areas, then, which are unreal and which have gone entirely out of communication are the danger areas.

Just with a communication formula.

All right, now let's take up the rest of this thing called communication. This is a heck of a thing we're into because the recognition of anything and the communication with anything to any degree at all is going to result in peace, not war. The harmful masses, the various factors which can fight a person or which a person can fight, these things are all going to get down into a very low state of action. No conflict. This may be bad. This may be real bad from your preclear's standpoint who is losing his game. If all the game he thought he had was this game of swapping terminals inside the body; „Well, I just can't go to work today, my lumbago hurts too much.“ Game. Big game.

Female voice: The same way?

We have such a character around and it is a peculiarly, well, it's a fag. Not around this operation, but I mean there's one around town that I could get hold of and process with no difficulty at all. All I'd have to do is just start telling him to go east and west as the case may be, and touch a few walls and this person would start on out of it. He would find some other terminals besides these body terminals to fool around with. But, this person - this person is beneath my game acceptance level quite markedly. This person makes the most fabulous game out of a somatic, just fabulous. You never saw so much invested interest, so many ramifications developing out of a hangnail. They just go on and on and on.

Mock up communication origins.

This person blames his ills for every tragedy that occurs throughout the land. Pope gets sick, it must have been because he had a bum foot. I mean, he's real bad off from this standpoint. This boy's body must be the most seething mass of mismatched and imbalanced terminals anybody ever ran into. But he sure makes a game out of it.

You see, you don't have to run as you are running it - I'll make this very clear - you don't have to run a balanced communication formula at all while you are running the preclear. You could just have him sit there and say „Okay, Mama.“ And this becomes brutally horrible. But it certainly, certainly makes him aware of the fact that something can happen.

Well, remember that some certain determinism can exist around this subject of the game. Therefore, if we start discharging body terminals, madly, at random, knocking them all out, we might - not necessarily true that we would but we might - run into a scarcity of games. So we would have to come in with this process: „Mock up somebody else inventing some games for you,“ or „Mock up somebody else inventing some games,“ which will demonstrate to him immediately an enormous resistance to games which other people invent. These are dangerous. Or, „Invent some games just as a preclear.“ Of course, it's the preclear that is inventing the games all the way around, but he's got it figured out as a game of how we invent games.

And mind you now, that he isn't - Mama hasn't said anything for him to say „Okay“ to. So what! The lines are all misaligned and imbalanced anyway and you have to remedy the scarcity of any and every part of the line anyhow, so it doesn't matter much where you start in remedying scarcities.

We could also have him - have other people invent games - have somebody else invent games for other people. I mean, we could run a full bracket on this. Just because we have moved this far into communication is no reason why we have utterly deserted some of the factors which we know about, such as brackets and so forth.

You can go on and remedy one thing like acknowledgment. Now, you can remedy acknowledgment for hours. Well, eventually acknowledgment will stop getting you any change.

All right. As soon as he started doing this you would probably develop some of the larger comm lags. Now, what's curious is that you would process him into communication physically and then discover a comm lag on games had increased. That is a curiosity. See this? This is a real curiosity.

The way it will stop getting you change is make something tighter and tighter and tighter and tighter and it'll stick - no change; it just sticks. You've just gotten out to a plus factor of acknowledgments and there were an awful lot of originated communications or answers or something sitting around there which are now all jammed up.

We start processing him and we have him mocking up origins, acknowledgments, answers and we just have him doing fine and he's just going along swimmingly and obviously this person should be getting into better and better communication. On the process that we are running on him, his lag is getting less and less and less. He's getting in better and better shape, obviously. Obviously. And then we say, „Invent a game.“ And we find out that if we'd ask him this question before he started this process - and we may, this isn't necessarily true but I've observed this, limited number of cases, about three cases - I had a shorter lag on „Invent some games“ before I ran Communication Processing. And after I had him run Communication Processing for a while, we had really developed some honeys, some beautiful communication lags just on one subject only: games.

Now, as you run „Okay Mama,“ „Okay Mama,“ can be an answer and it will flip from answer to acknowledgment, from answer to acknowledgment, from answer to acknowledgment. But don't think that your preclear has an abundance of communication to a degree that he will ever find enough „Okay, Mama's,“ you see? He won't drain the bank of „Hello“ from Mama simply by saying „Okay, Mama.“

Well, we have just been chewing up all of his automaticity on the subject of games with Communication Processing. Because, remember, to have a game you have to cut communications. That's the first thing you've got to do. One of the first actions in a war, one of the more nonsensical games - war is nonsensical because the people who are being made to play it haven't been asked. That's the only thing wrong with a war.

This is one of the oddities about this process. The bank doesn't automatically sit up and go into communication. See, it doesn't automatically sit up and say „Well, this fellow is saying 'Okay, Mama' so therefore what should be here are all these 'hello's'.“ The bank, you see, is a bank because it doesn't understand communication. And that's why it's a bank. So it can't defeat you. It can't defeat you as an auditor. Huh?

I remember this thing - greetings - that was being sent out by selective service and by draft boards in other lands and so forth, was not necessarily an invitation to a game. It didn't say in it anyplace that you have the - it - there was no R.S.V.P. on it. There was none, not one. I looked them over, looked them over very carefully. As a matter of fact, I had so many more interesting things to do in 1940 and 41, that the introduction of a war at that time was not according to my plan or calendar and was very upsetting to me, and so on. And I remember telling - I wasn't drafted, I just knew what inevitably would occur and I'd better have something to do with it. And but I remember that I better have something to do with it while I still had some free choice in the matter rather than afterwards when I didn't have any. And I remember very well telling the admiral in charge of the navy yard where I reported in, picked up a commission, „You know, you're going to have a war and I am at least trying to - trying to exercise some discretion as to what part I am playing in this war, and that's the only reason I am here.“

Male voice: Oh that's a bank.

And he said, „War! Umph, umph, nonsense, umph.“ October, no, it was July the 25th, 1941. „War,“ he says, „war.“

Male voice: That's a different definition of any kind of a bank than I've heard.

I said, „Yes,“ I said, „you have a very great scarcity of officers, admiral, did you know that?“

Female voice: Yeah.

„Why, nonsense, we're training twelve a month.“ Twelve a month he was training!

I did a funny thing one time after I'd made a preclear sit there and say „Okay, Mama“ for a long time, and I had the preclear say „Okay, Mama“ about fifty or sixty times, why I changed tactics on the thing; I recognized the preclear was fighting, he was going to get out of control here one way or the other, and it seemed, the technique seemed to be over its major calamities, I mean, there didn't seem to be anything very desperate there. It was at first, the preclear spilled a little grief and so forth, and then no other manifestation took place for about fifteen or twenty „Okay, Mama's“ you know.

Well, anyway, he didn't ask anybody whether or not he - nobody asked anybody whether or not they would like to play this game. And I think self-determinism gets violated in a war. Maybe, maybe the only thing we find wrong with war is war's alternate name would be „violation of self-determinism.“ It's a peculiar kind of a game.

And then I started to remedy games simply by saying, „Well, now have...“ - because I was being very specific which you shouldn't be, I was just trying to test the technique in all directions - „Have Mama invent some games for you.“ And I got an electronic explosion just as though it fired a firecracker off in front of the guy's face. An electronic explosion occurred.

But, the first thing they do when they declare war is to go out and cut everybody's cables. Of course, when Santa Domingo was almost at war with the US, and was at war with the US, and so forth, I remember a report coming in that they even, when they haven't got any cables to cut, they even invent them. A fellow came in and reported to intelligence down there in Santa Domingo, that the wireless to the United States had been cut. Native, a very sincere fellow. He was trying to get the game on the road too. In other words cut communications. This is the first act, first dramatization of a nation involved in war; severs entirely communication with the enemy which is a silly thing to say the least, but it couldn't have a war if it didn't. It imposes immediate censorship boards on all cables. Those cables which it doesn't censor it simply overtly goes out and digs up and cuts in half.

Have you ever had one of these things occur, hm? Bang! What had happened there, I guess, was just we had unbalanced it to a point and just the additional thought of Mama inventing another game, such as, „Eat your cereal“ or something, put him entirely out of control on it. We got a nice comm lag on it though.

The Indian, declaring war on the white man - the white man civilization and so forth - was always at work cutting his telegraph lines. It's necessary to cut communications in order to have a war. It's necessary to cut communications in order to have a reduction in determinism. Remember there's a parallel fact there. The area you can determine or influence is directly regulated by the amount of communication you have into that area no matter how painful it may be to you. Remember that. The determinism of the actions in that area directly and immediately depends upon the amount of communication you've got into that area.

But regardless of what happens between the posing of the question and the receiving of the answer you go on and flatten the comm lag, so we did. Bang! One of the things that can happen.

And the answer is more communication, not less.

All right, any further questions?

Now, you can ignore, you can ignore, bypass, forget about and so on, a certain type of communication if you have nerve enough to continue to ignore it. How much nerve does that take? In the case of a body, a tremendous amount. You could ignore it, you see, if you are willing to take the kickback. But you can't cut communications with it. Now, do we get the difference between cutting communication and ignoring communication? There is a distinct difference.

Male voice: I know a couple of fellows who have been coming up the line on their processing here saying - going out and getting in an accident. These guys have managed one way or another to get themselves assaulted physically by some psychotic in the environment. I was wondering what, if anything, the auditor could or should have done to smooth this out before it happened?

I see all too often people in the HASI confusing these two points. They don't know what it is to ignore a communication as compared to cutting a communication. You would let a communication line you were ignoring simply flow. You see, you would just let it flow, you simply wouldn't pay any attention to it. And you would find that if you could do this, and if you could bear the fact that it was continuing to flow, and if you just didn't pay any attention to it at all, it would get thinner and thinner and weaker and weaker and for lack of a terminal, expire.

Remedied games. Anytime they start picking on a psycho as a game, Ha-ha-ha! This is - this is one of the last-ditch games, see? „I have no responsibility for anything and everything is responsible for me.“ Brother, that's just the last-ditch sort of game.

It would be something like the tentacle of an octopus reaching for you while you were in a cave, you see, if you could ignore it. But if you started to fight it so as to cut it off, you would of course be in immediate contact with it, wouldn't you. Cutting communication almost always dictates the policy of going into communication on an overt level. This is entirely different than ignoring a communication.

We have got one out here now who is a „rational psychotic.“ This kid out here is a rational psychotic, by the way. He knows what he's doing. He also knows how horrible it would be if he suddenly got sane and was sent back to wherever he was supposed to be before he went psychotic as a solution to where he was supposed to be. I'm sure that he was in some sort of a school, boys' school or something of this sort, which was too horrible for him to witness, and I think he carefully cultivated psychosis in order to get into that.

It's almost impossible to really ignore a communication but cutting one is to fight it, chop it, locate it, get active about it, see? Cut communication can be a very interesting game, very adventurous. But it makes a game and it makes a fight and it makes another determinism, and you will find out that you are no longer capable of determining the action of that thing which you are trying to cut the communications of or which you are ignoring. You will find yourself unable to determine the action of it. That's a fascinating fact. If you start to go out of communication with the body. You see, the practices of Gautama Buddha, and so forth, are all based on ignoring the communication. And that's a very frail type of process. Don't think of separateness, don't think of space, don't think of energy, oh, he has about twelve categories there. And you mustn't think of any one of these things and if you do, why you'll be in, I don't know, crystal heaven, or something of this sort, with no ado, no more ado you'll be there. Yes, that's absolutely true. The thoroughness of ignoring communication, however, to this degree, is an impossible degree for nearly everyone.

Male voice: Like a guy getting out of the army with a Section Eight.

And for that reason you have not had here on Earth much success evolving from Eastern philosophies and practices. They are very unsuccessful. Because they are based on ignoring communication. See, „I will sit here on this bed of spikes,“ - fakirism. Or, „I will sit here on this mountain top and just be alone, silent, quiet, ignoring all the ills and everything. And out I will fly.“ But my buddies in this particular field discovered another phrase they could have said after they had done that for awhile, „Down I will spin.“

Um-hum. Sure.

Now, therefore and thereby and therein and thereas, communicating overtly with something brings about a determinism. If you desire to communicate, not punish, if you desire to communicate and then merely start, stop, change, in other words, the monitor of control, still keeping in mind the fact that it will survive too, you could very easily determine the course and existence of such an entity as the German Reich or the Kremlin. No, no, no difficulty with this.

This guy will snap out of it, we'll win. But do you get the point now? If anybody is comm lagging on this one - . Do you get the point of running 8-C? Terminals, the fellow with his hidden terminals and so forth, with his attention fixed upon them, scarcity of games which is also a scarcity of terminals. There can be a scarcity of any part of a game, and he goes over and starts touching the walls, he discovers the terminals still exist.

It's fighting it, it's cutting the communication with it, it's being overt about how we mustn't communicate with this, you see, that piles up energy which isn't channeled and has no place to go and so makes masses, so makes screens, makes detachments and separatenesses by energy - uses energy to make things separate. You see how this would be? We start fighting communication with the German Reich. We start fighting communication with the Kremlin. And they'll build up energy ridges and energy ridges and energy ridges. The only thing that could happen as a good end of this would be that eventually Russia would forget all about the Western Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere would forget all about Russia. They wouldn't even know they existed. There'd just be this enormous energy ridge.

Yes, Tam.

Then someday somebody would accidently go into communication with this unknown something or other, you see, and it would start to discharge in its direction and then there'd be hell to pay for a short time until they got the dam up again. And you'd get this same thing as a psychosomatic illnesses with an unknown cause. Russia would be suffering certain difficulties internally. She would start suffering fascinating little difficulties inside the government and with its trade and with other things. It'd definitely she would know she was sick every once in a while. You know, there'd be these kind of convulsions. So would the United States, so would the Western culture discover itself slightly in difficulty every now and then and would not quite be able to trace exactly how this would be. But this would be the result of a thoroughly cut communication line, overtly held cut, too.

Female voice: You know that variation „Locate your body. Locate the wall.“ If you run that this way, „that wall“ your picking that thing again aren't you? Does that run it out too, or should you revert to...

Now, let's take the other part of it and find out if Russia were anxious and able, if she were really able to go into communication with the United States and were to continue in communication with the United States on a very direct line. All the kinds of activities one could engage in to continue this communication line, we would find out eventually that any animosity would blow up in smoke and any control they were trying to exert on the United States would be a survival control. They would be upset because we had looked like we had a depression coming on and their economic experts would sit around and wonder what they ought to do about it. You see?

It doesn't do too well. I tested it on Jonathan Kenworthy. I had Jonathan Kenworthy running 8-C with his back to every object he was locating for some little time, and he was trying to read deep significance into what I was doing. He was coming up the line much more slowly than straight 8-C.

Similarly, the United States would become concerned that the Ukraine wheat crop wasn't quite so good, and we might even engage in sending over some wheat experts, or something of this sort, to do something about this or - you know?

The reason for this is, is the back ridge is a substitute ridge; it's a substitute ridge. And as he tries to locate the wall in front of him, he finds there's a bigger, solider ridge in front of him, and the back ridge stops discharging.

Such a communication line as this had already begun in the late twenties. We were sending a great many engineers into Russia. But the difficulty was they were not sent in with the government's blessing. They were sent in, they were hired by Russia. The communication was instigated by Russia; it was not by free offer on the part of the US government, in other words the communication was somewhat limited. Then we started to go into communication very overtly with Russia during the war, didn't we? Started into communication, made it partial, drew off and so set up a psychosomatic illness known as iron curtainism. The iron curtain was the result of partial and then withdrawn communication.

Male voice: So mechanically this business of osteopathy and chiropracty on the back and side and so forth, mechanically would be a communications formula behind that. That's why they're getting results...

All right, let's say your preclear, your preclear wants to get out of his body. The way to get out of his body isn't ignoring it. The way to get out of his body would be to control it in a survival direction. Control it, not to harm it, but to make it live. And once he had reached anything like success along this line, move out of it? Why I should say so. There'd be no trick to moving out of it. „Move out of my body? I'm not in it.“ This would be the immediate response.

Anytime you get a therapy with a loose wheel in it, you got trouble. And what we have been doing here for some time in Dianetics and Scientology is locating loose wheels.

See how this would work? But an individual would have to be in very free communication of it.

Where are the accidentals? Well, we found out that acknowledgment was an accidental. See, I mean, some auditors did it, some auditors didn't do it. Auditors who did it got better results than auditors who didn't do it. You acknowledge every time the preclear touches the wall „That's fine“ some auditors would say and so forth. Well, it wasn't the fact that he was interested, it wasn't the fact that he sounded alert, or it wasn't the fact that he was paying attention, it wasn't any of these factors, it was just fact that it was an acknowledgment of which there was a great scarcity.

Now listen, a fight can't exist in the presence of communication. It can't. A two-way communication cycle starts running, a fight will evaporate.

And as long as he didn't acknowledge, it simply created greater and greater and more and more scarcity for the preclear in terms of acknowledgments. And so this auditor would then, whatever he would get the preclear to gain on a mechanical process, would cause the preclear to lose some of - so the case - by no acknowledgment. So we would get a slow progress of the case. All right, that's a loose wheel.

Chinese recognize this. I saw a couple of coolies fighting. One of them says, „Yap-yap,“ and the other one says, „Yap-yap.“ Chinese friend speaks up and on the query as to whether or not these - why they weren't hitting each other. And the Chinese friend says, „Man who strikes first blow admit he run out of ideas.“

See, this one, you've got to tell the auditor „Acknowledge, specifically, what the preclear just did or said.“ And that's fine. It makes it rough on an auditor for a while by the way. He's kind of scarce on these things himself; and he starts to run things out the second he starts doing this, so an auditor is liable to start doing this and then stop doing this while he is auditing preclears, you see? He's „Nahhhhhhhhh, I don't like the idea, ahha.“

So, anytime you get a two-way cycle of communication going it will go off into a big mutter. Men don't talk themselves into a further fight. They can only one-way flow themselves into a further fight.

All right, now we take something like chiropracty. Any time any science has said or any practice has suddenly said „Well, now this is absolutely it, and we have reached an unobtainably high thing, and we are at this unobtainable point,“ you knew damn well that there were some loose wheels left somewhere in it.

If Momma or little Roger had any idea at all of establishing communication with the other party involved, there would be no domestic uproar. Had an example of this made yesterday. Had an awful trouble keeping Diana off the Christmas tree. See, I had already installed all around the bottom of the Christmas tree an enormous number of plastic balls and bells that could be taken off madly. And they had her real beaten down by last night. And so this morning I spent a little time making sure that we had a two-way communication on the subject of this tree. Two-way communication. In other words it was a one-way communication going there which resulted in a war, a break of communications, you see. And it broke communications between Diana and a maid, a baby sitter who was there yesterday, rather than the regular maid. And Diana and the tree, and the tree and Diana, these were all separate, see.

Now, as a demonstration of this we know more about the mind than anybody on this planet has to date. All right. And we can find loose wheels! Just get the idea here, I mean, the amount of research and investigation which has gone on here; the amount of practice which has gone on; the amount of forward look which has gone on; the very inventive, alert attitude toward how this is done on the part of everybody doing this, you see, is to a point where at this stage of the game to have some loose wheels like the auditor must acknowledge, tells you that something that leveled off god knows when, chiropracty, osteopathy, Swedish massage, lord knows when these things leveled off; but they were way back when they did.

First thing Diana does this morning is get herself nicely stabbed with some of the tree needles, and so on. So we had a long talk about the Christmas tree while I was eating breakfast and we had a long involved conversation and took some balls off of it and put some balls on the Christmas tree, and I kept nagging her to get acknowledgments of what I was saying, and finally she started nagging me to get acknowledgments of what I was saying. Next thing you know she started to look more alert and very happy about the whole thing. She took a few balls off the Christmas tree and put a few balls on and went off and played with something else, see? She was in control of the Christmas tree. This was an obvious fact. I imagine this is why more - a lot of people get upset about Christmas, they have been hit in the head too often with a Christmas tree.

Loose wheels, you'd say the proportion was 89 to 1, these boys are in there - now I am just getting to this point on what you stimulated there on that question. You've got your chiropractor, and get this one carefully, who is simply manipulating the guy's back, and then you have got your chiropractor who is talking to the fellow and putting his attention on his own back, and between these two chiropractors you would have a winner and loser.

All right, as we look over the general program of auditing in relationship to communication, we discover that it is the principle of the auditor to get the preclear into communication with anything the preclear is not in communication with.

So we have a chiropractor who is down here and he is very orderly fellow and he is a nice guy and he is quite sincere and everything and he just snaps guy's spines and fixes them up and so on and he never gets any results, nothing ever happens and his preclears, his patients, his subjects, whatever you want to call them, are entirely out of gear all the time and they drift away from the art of chiropracty.

Now, let's say an auditor was doing domestic relations. It's an interesting thing, but you know you could go out and set yourself up a shop, domestic relations. You could be quite successful at it too. The gag in settling such a thing would not be to advise the husband to leave the wife or the wife to leave the husband or give a bunch of advice on the situation. The way to handle the situation would simply be to get both parties present and start them into communication with each other and referee that communication line and make sure that full communication existed on both sides. In other words, make sure that anything that was originated was listened to, that anything that was listened to was answered, and any answer given was acknowledged. And then reverse end to. And you could actually force two people - you say the use of force, it would merely be the fact that they were there to be helped anyhow that would serve as the force. You know what you were doing. You're going to just referee this, you're just going to get the husband, then, to say hello to the wife. This is as dumb as this, you see. Not „State your complaints,“ but to get him to say hello to the wife. And then make the wife sit still long enough to have hello said to, you see. And then have her answer back with anything; just have her say okay. And then have him nod when she said it. And then have her say, „How are you,“ and have him sit still and then answer back, „I'm okay,“ and then have her acknowledge the fact she'd been answered, you see. You'd have a rough beef there for a little while. They'd both try to blow the session and so forth. But when they wound up they would find out that they were fairly good friends.

And then we have got this chiropractor who says „Now, does that feel a little better now, huh? Where's it exactly?“

Now, knowing the full communication formula is very aidative, one might say, in living a relatively unaberrated life. If you just went on around, just knew it and sort of built it into your social activities along this line. I I tried this the other day, by the way, you might find this amusing. A fellow had been talking at me for some time. He'd been talking at me and he'd been off the beat about what he was talking about. And I finally tapped him on the shoulder and I said, „Do you know that you have not gotten any answer from me yet?“ Grind. Crunch.

By the way I remember a person who was very mad at a chiropractor because he never asked her where her spine really hurt. You know? So we - he says now „Where does it really hurt? Now, it really is this -is this the area here? Oh, a little lower? Is this it? How about that now? Okay, now do you feel that? Do you feel that? All right, now just brace yourself there a moment because we are going to do something here. Now, yeah, good, snap! you know. Now how's that? Is that a little better? Does that feel a little better? Well, how about this up here now?“

And I said, „Yes, now just pause a moment and I will answer you.”

You get a chiropractor who is talking this way, he is doing what? He is laying on hands, see? And he is calling the patient's attention every time bang! bang! bang! and of course this person is going to get well; they are going - they are going to not - maybe not get all the way well, but they are certainly going to feel a lot better.

Well, the fellow wondered if I was crazy or something of this sort and then he says, „Okay.“

So look at the - look at this loose wheel! That is a heck of loose wheel; that is „put your attention on it“ is the loosest wheel there, see?

And I said, „Well that's just fine. You're perfectly right, what you've been saying.“

So we have all over the shop practices in the (quote) „healing arts“ (unquote) where the practitioner may be doing the technique exactly as given, according to chiropracty or osteopathy or some such thing, and is getting no results, and man is liable to get suspicious after a while of all this sort of thing - superstitious.

And he started to go off on it again and, „Wait, wait a minute. Did you hear what I said?“ And he says, „Yeah.“

Now, I am willing to make you a bet, I am willing to make you bet that there are at least a thousand loose wheels in Dianetics and Scientology. I'll make you a bet that there are. But in view of the fact that we can produce the results that we can produce, it's fairly certain that the amount of tension on the subject is not necessary anymore. I mean, we don't have to be real tense about this. I would say two years ago we had every right to be damn tense about this. See, „What the hell are the loose wheels around here? I mean, what isn't being - what is being done that causes a result, and what is the difference and so forth?“ And we could sit around and speculate and worry about this with good right, because auditors were not getting uniform result.

I said, „Okay. Now,“ I said, „it's my turn to originate a communication.“

This is why I look at auditors to tell me if we are on an arrival point or are there other things we haven't described? Are there things going on which we haven't delineated? Are there any of these incidentals and so on. It's a very important thing. But I would say off hand the tension is fairly well off of this.

And this guy acted for a little while so bashed in by this whole deal that he was a little bit unsettled and he knew that Hubbard was one of these psychology fellers or something of the sort, he wasn't quite sure, that I did originate a brief communication and back again. And about fifteen or twenty minutes later we parted and we were very good friends. He'd completely forgotten that he thought I was crazy. See, we were very good friends and he was in communication and he was actually stopping to get an answer. And I imagine that's the first time in twenty years he's ever stopped to get an answer or the first time he's ever been forced to answer something that somebody has said to him directly. Well, this is very punitive, wasn't it. I mean, it wasn't processing the man. I wasn't processing, I was simply enforcing communication. You know, sort of on this basis, you know.

Right now there must be some kind of a loose wheel in the treatment of psychosis. I can tell you that for the good reason that I run a psychotic and they come up bing, see, I mean, right up. It is a steep climb; it's burner wide open on a jet plane, see? And another auditor runs a psycho and they come up, fine, quick, see? And another auditor runs a psycho and evidently does exactly the same thing that I do and this other auditor did, and the psycho sits there, „Huh.“ No jet planes. „What?“ See?

All right. I got - we had a very nasty situation here the other day. Had nothing to do with the organization but definitely had to do with personalities involved and man, and some fellow did something, not part of the organization, which was a very bad thing. Everybody was keeping him definitely out of communication and they had definite ideas about what should happen to him, see. All right, I plowed him into communication again and told him he had to straighten this situation up, told him what he had to do, made him listen, made him acknowledge the fact that he was heard, then made originate his explanation of the situation, and so forth. He was goofy enough, spinny enough so it was very, very difficult for him to get into any groove on a two-way communication. But having simply enforced a two-way communication upon him, this fellow all of a sudden changed all of his attitudes concerning this whole situation and rushed down to the hospital where this victim was and apologized and is in communication with the people involved and is going to pay the bills involved, and so forth. All this by simply demanding that a two-way communication take place.

Male voice: Some of them are failing to acknowledge the comm lag yak in any way. Or, and/or acknowledging and firing in another question instead of simply saying „Hu-huh,“ and waiting or repeating the same question.

In other words, the way to resolve the situation was communication. But again, remember that we sure took a game away from him. He didn't necessarily want this game but we sure took a game away from him. The game of righteous jealousy and so forth, all snapped out of his hands in a hurry. But it wasn't snapped out of his hands by arguing with him or by arresting him or by beating him up or anything of this character. It was out of his hands in a very simple way. It was simply talking to the guy and making him talk, see, bang-bang-bang, with no violence offered of any character. People do not offer violence in the fact of communication ordinarily.

Could be. Could be.

Now, on these body terminals, anything that has anything to do with body terminals, we have known for a long time the reason a thetan didn't exteriorize and the reason he went back in had to do with body flows, hm? With the anatomy of communication we have discovered body flow patterns and the resolution of them directly by addressing and knocking out of existence antipathetic terminals. Now, we've really solved exteriorization when we ve done this, you see. We've known for a long, long time that body flow patterns or masses were responsible for nonexteriorization. So the clue to this is to handle the terminals and null these obsessive or compulsive flows inside the body. Quiet that all down, square it all away, and remembering at the same time that our boy is going to be minus just that many games because every one of those terminals at one time or another was a known game. It was sitting right out here in the material universe at one time. And then he kept it as a token, and then he mocked it up and kept it out of sight, and then he hid it and then he didn't even know what it was and it wasn't real to him anymore, but it's an old game.

Male voice: l know they're doing this.

And every psychosomatic ill, every disturbing facsimile, anything you can think of is still an old game. Do you imagine what kind of a game it was, the Fac One game. Just think of it for a moment as a game. You know that your preclear Fac One'd as many people as he was Fac One'd. He was given a game from some other source.

Could be.

Now, something on the matter of games; games from other sources have landed your preclear in a great deal of trouble, so one of the rougher things to process and something you have to process is make somebody else mock up games for him. He has to get over this antipathy. This is his sole objection to games. He has no real objection to games which he himself plays. But he has an objection to games which he is being asked to play, because these he's found dangerous.

Male voice: . . . you say, „Where - where's your foot?“

He's just in - within - almost within his memory, just on the tip of his recall, he walked into a place, he was on leave or something of this sort, and there was this place and it said, „we need volunteers,“ or something of the sort, and he walked in through this large portal and there was this huge, glowing stone sitting in the middle of a - of a big room. And he walked in and he looked at it and that's the last thing he knew. That was somebody else's game. The next thing you know he was here on Earth. Zoom-zoom. Bang-bang. So he has an antipathy to other people's games.

Well, now that could be a loose wheel. For instance, I have lots of - I always have lots of dogs and kids and live trees and things like that around where I am usually, and I am always talking to them regardless of whether they are really in communication or not. A cat walks up - I get more cats in good solid communication. They walk up and they say „mewwww,“ and something like that and I say „mewwww,“ and they look at me and they get puzzled about the whole thing and they will finally say „mewwww,“ and I will say „mewwww,“ and every time they will say „mewwww,“ I'll say „mewwww,“ as long as I am around. And it becomes a very silly proceeding; I start walking anyplace outside and these cats will start - any stray cat in the neighborhood is liable to start popping up and come over and look at me very, very alertly and intelligently and ask me whatever it is in cat language, I don't know.

You must process these two things together. These two things have to be processed together. If they are not processed together, your preclear will do anything to flip or foul up in some fashion; reinteriorize, get himself involved in trouble one way or the other, go out and drive madly down the street so he can get arrested, any kind of weird thing that he himself will not quite be able to rationalize, because remember, he doesn't know the principles that you know.

Kids, kids that come around and they say - I have noticed this with parents. You have probably got a real good point there - because kids will come around and they will say, „Jabberjabber-wog-wog-yag-yem-gillilyogo-wabble.“


And you say, „My golly is that so?“ And they will say, „Yboggle-yogglejobber-jobber-wobble-wob.“ And you say, „Holly cats, no!“ And they say, „Jobberjobber-wobble-wobble-wobble-wobble-jabber-jabber jabber.“ And well, I say, „Well, okay, if that is the way it is,“ and walk off. They're perfectly satisfied.

(end of lecture)

And I have been watching people around kids and the kid says, „Jabberjabber-woggle-woggle,“ and the person pays no attention to them, what they are saying, so the kid then starts getting on a stuck flow.

Male voice: Clamorous for acknowledgment.

Oh, they get - they get frantic!

Male voice: Yeah.

They get frantic! And parents wonder why these kids have got to climb all over them all the time and mess up the furniture and spoil everything and knock everything down and so on when it is obviously just as you've said; it's a thirst, a craving for acknowledgment or originated communication.

Male voice: Uh-huh.

If you don't want any trouble from a kid for god sakes always say „Hello“ when you see him. „How are you?“

Male voice: Another mechanical thing. An auditor if he isn't damned careful around a psycho or for that matter a sick person or people like this, commits continuously audit - auditor's breaches by not being there physically. It works this way. You know how the, say, the old wooden spokes on a car wheel disappear when the car is moving? Well, I, moving at my normal rate, disappear for the psycho as long as I do this, or for a very sick person. I am not there; invisible. They lose me. It takes them god knows how long to find me again, when I've done this, just purely on mechanics.

What do you do? Talk too fast or move too fast?

Male voice: Talk too fast or move too fast and you are gone.


Male voice: You slow it down even without body mimicry, or anything like that.

Well, when you start working at a rate of speed around a room, this is true of the normal person, now that you have mentioned it, they stopped communicating to you, to that degree you are gone.

Male voice: Sure.

Another male voice: Sure. Not only that but you're lost, and if the guy is just - people are so dumb on location if you don't immediately relocate yourself they will sit there just wondering where? Where? Where? We saw that with a very out communication child. The same sort of thing with the psychos. I have noticed people go away without saying „I'll be back“ or where they are going or they take the guy around and don't even offer him an opportunity to say, „Well, now at least l know where you are taking me.“


Male voice: Duplication. Mmm. Duplication adds to great certainty on this. They always know they are going over to the bottle.

Male voice: The auditor has to duplicate.

Mm-mm. Oh, yes, the auditor does have to duplicate very markedly.

By the way, in telling whether or not a psychotic is psycho or not there's some very obvious points. One of them that is a common manifestation that they don't know is a giveaway, is the utter refusal to duplicate an action twice.

For instance you are running 8-C on them and they have already touched the wall once, and they are not going to touch the wall again. You should recognize this. You should have them touch a lamp actually or something other, entirely different, which they will duplicate again, and then by the time you get them around to the wall once more they have forgotten this and they will do it again without feeling they duplicate it.

But this complete, utter unwillingness to duplicate, obsessive, is a definite sign of a psycho.

Now, here's the difference between a - . We had to answer this yesterday. We had actually to answer this question bluntly. Are we looking at a posing psycho or an actual psycho? Is this psycho mocked up simply as a psycho and knows it very well, knows extremely well, or is he actually nuts? Does he have such a vested interest in psychosis that he has to continue this and knows it?

And the answer to that is no. Why? Because of two things: One, the individual will not duplicate an action - not any single action - will not be duplicated. The other one is this individual masturbates in public, which is a definite psychotic mark.

If an individual were simply mocking it up he would not do either of these two things. He would get silly on them in some degree or another or he would get random on them, you see, and obsessively he'd start to talk to you about, „I just have to touch this wall again,“ you know. He would slip-skid in this. You being specialists of this particular field wouldn't really be able to be fooled if you looked over some of these factors; looked them over carefully.

Many people will mock up psychosis. In the service we had a lot of boys who were nervous in the service and they would mock up psychosis. And then they would proceed not to be psychotic. One of them who was busy being psychotic was obviously not psychotic at all because he knew who he was mad at. He was mad at the Executive Officer. And he came up with a seven inch knife to cut the Executive Officer's throat, and chased him round and round and round officer's country, passageways, and so forth. And he continued to talk about doing something to the Executive Officer and so forth. This guy was not psycho, he was mad. Got the difference? Why? In the first place he knew who the Executive Officer was and he knew where he was. This is a dead giveaway, see?

Now, this guy starts to plead how nutty he is, ding-ding, he's not nutty. He got mad, he got revengeful, there was adequate cause for this also. A leave had been cancelled for this person so he could go home, and his wife was ill. You see? So this thing was all reasonable and all rationalizable and the target of the individual was not even vaguely confused. So if we - if we say that psychosis is irrationality, he has immediately disobeyed this.

He came out of this manifestation at once, that Doc Braff; who was rooming with me - I was a navigator on this particular bucket of bolts and I had taken in the doctor out of charity - wanted somebody to talk to and he had very bad quarters and I had very good quarters and so I had moved him upstairs. And the patients used to come in and they didn't much care whether I treated them or the doc treated them. He didn't much care either. Only I told him if I ever caught him navigating and changing the course of the ship, I'd slip him some of his own cc pills in his ice cream, and so we had a very good understanding on this.

So we had approximately two psychos a week on that ship. And I got pretty well practiced in looking this over. And of course at that time I was not very far advanced along this sort of thing, but had done quite a bit of work in this line. Doc Braff; on the other hand, had never been trained at all, as few medical doctors have been, on this subject. And so we used to hold courts on these boys, you know, I'd be sitting up there doing nothing, Doc Braff would call them up and we'd convene a board. Of course this was a highly illegal sort of a board. It is not called for in Naval regulations, but if we decided he was nuts, he was nuts. That was that. And some of them really were nuts. And those were the manifestations that were quite common.

But the common denominator of all such manifestations is irrationality, non sequitur causation, inability to select out any actual target. And when you had an inability to select out actual targets, you would have gotten this boy, who was going to cut up the Executive Officer, choosing out the Chief Machinist, insisting he was the Executive Officer, you see? You would have gotten this, certainly. This was just lead-pipe cinch. He would have mistaken the Executive Officer; that would be the first thing he would have done.

Actually, the second I said to this boy, „Well, that was a good try, that was a good try, and you realize that you're probably going to Portsmouth for seven years now, and accessories, and be reduced to apprentice seaman, and you're all through with the war, and so on, so you have won to that degree.“

But of course, this guy said, “Aw, now look.”

And I turn around to Doc Braff and Doc Braff said, „very, very good. Very, very good. That's fine. That's fine. What will we do with him now?“ In view of the fact that both Doc Braff and I recognized as the causation of the psychosis in the crew was the behavior of the Executive Officer, it was just enough to drive any men who were under tension. The trouble with that type of service, the 5th Amphibious force, is there is a great deal of action occasionally. And the rest of the time, why, it's not even hurry up and wait, it's just wait.

And the oddities of behavior on the part of such men, particularly if they've been away from the States for let's say two and a half years; they haven't had any shore liberty, they haven't associated with women to any degree, they've just been out there. They're real daffy. They start doing weird things. Strange customs are suddenly seized upon. They start wearing a single earring or something of this character. Men in the 5th Amphibious - by the way, you probably saw some of them during the war, they'd hit the beach over here - they were wearing an earring, usually a star, a five-pointed star. But their behavior in general had driven so far away from anything acceptable that the task of telling a psychotic in the midst of this was herculean! Impossible.

Oh, by the way, the other establishing thing is he did not hurt the Executive Officer. He had every opportunity to do so and did not hurt him. He still had the responsibility, all he did was want to scare the hell out of him for the benefit of the crew. We, by the way, transferred him over to Boat Group, that is all we did to him; well, we gave him a summary court and docked him a whole lot of pay which he couldn't spend anyhow. Transferred him over to the Boat Group as coxswain of the leading vessel, so he didn't last the war.

Well, anyway, in this society at this time you very well know what an average behavior is, you see? It's not an artificial atmosphere. It's an atmosphere to which you are very well accustomed. And as such, the departure from the average with the inability to notice presence or select targets can then be attributed as psychosis.

Guys are not smart enough to mock these things up. They don't know enough about psychosis to mock these things up.

Male voice: When a fellow mocks up a psychosis which he must have done eventually, wouldn't you the minute the psychosis as such - the mock-up as such or enough parts of it were either enforced or inhibited, wouldn't you have it going...?

He goes the rest of the way. One - a very amusing thing was the case of a person who was given a - a psycho - a Section Eight, something like that, out of the Army. He was a - had originally, because the Army was so antipathetic - he's a medical doctor - the Army was so antipathetic toward him and he didn't like the Army enough, so that he went down and very carefully studied Rorschach, and studied it down in the library thoroughly enough so that he could pass an incontrovertible psychotic Rorschach. And then did enough peculiar things to get himself shoved into a Rorschach test, and when the Rorschach test was given, exactly represented it to be a psychotic result, you see. And at that time was given the heave-ho. This boy had done this just to serve himself; you see. In other words, he got out of it simply because he didn't like it. He didn't - hadn't had up to that moment any concern about psychosis. He immediately became worried, the second he was shoved out, about his mind, started to go a little bit potty, and every single one of these manifestations, every single one of them began to show up. And they were - they were the - .

Rorschach is quite unreal, by the way, Szondi, Rorschach, all the rest of these things are real bum tests. Never, never count on them. We find him exactly dramatizing everything he had read in the book was psycho. And I got him over his psychosis very neatly. I didn't make him into a more cooperative individual or many other things. But I got him over it by running out all of his study of and acceptance of these psychotic manifestations so he could get out of the army. And I ran those as engrams.

And I ran them right straight on through over and over, grind, grind, grind, grind, grind. Got interested in the fact that he had actually condemned himself to his own manifestation. Here you have the fellow has to accept this game before it will become a real game, and before a game becomes subconscious or unconscious, in other words, unreal. By the way, do you realize that just recently we've cleaned up what this unconscious is. It is an - a too long run, completely buried game terminal of some sort or another, which is no longer real to the individual.

And this manifestation can get into such a state, and it starts in at the moment that the terminal is created. And of course the moment he was released from the army, there was no further use for this game. But remember it was a game, so he had to hold onto the terminal, to kid with it, and then because it was not acceptable socially at all, particularly from a medical doctor, he then had to give it a shove and instead of disposing of it, he hid it. And of course we then had obsessive conduct, dramatizing the game and so on. We find out that every manifestation a person's got has gone this cycle.

Male voice: Well, I wonder if you could take a guy that's spun in, assume that at some time or another he must have mocked up this spin, I don't care where it was on the track, find the precipitating individuals, let's say whoever enforced it, whoever inhibited it, probably the latter, suppose your auditor went in there and put on a fairly good act of being that person, but ran full comm cycles in one fashion or another?

Very possible. Very possible as a treatment. Has the one frailty of representing death instead of life. That would be the only thing that would mitigate.

Well, we're validating still a suppression of his psychosis. But it is very much worth a test.

Male voice: Make him look at it though.

It would make him look at it. It might bring it out into the open, all kinds of things might occur.

Male voice: It's sort of like a - like an actor who's having a ball about something, let's say he's playing Hamlet, I don't suppose it's ever been done, but you could certainly be real recognizable as Hamlet without getting into the rest of the liabilities of the thing, to some....

Hmm. Every single actor or actress who plays a psycho part - the scarcity of roles for an actor is gorgeous. And where you have an actor or an actress who hasn't had enough roles, or has gone for some years without roles, they will stick or fix in that. And so we get Vivien Leigh, we get Gloria Swanson, see, Vivien Leigh with her „Streetcar Named Desire,“ Gloria Swanson with „Sunset Boulevard.“ So this was enough to tip me off a little bit. So I started looking over the roles which some of these people had played immediately before they went potty and they were all psycho roles. And I can tell you from this, just as a prediction, that would have some validity, there's a great deal of probability that Humphrey Bogart is going to tip over his apple cart in the very near future.

Male voice: He's had a lot of roles, so he hasn't any trouble getting roles.

But, this is the one thing which would argue against this. The one thing which would. But nevertheless he has gone into this, and there's one thing very bad about this, „Caine Mutiny“ was a very successful picture. That's a win. So it's off game again. See, you get everything coming off game; when you get a win, you get a lose, see? Equally off game. And equally you get the terminals first being kept around or hidden. The lose is immediately hidden, but not abandoned, see?

Male voice: Ron, you notice that Ed Robinson's kid has been arrested a couple of times for robbing taxi drivers.

No, what was the background on this?

Male voice: The old man has played nothing but crime roles.

That's right, that's true. The kid is certainly mocking himself up to be acceptable. It is safe to do and be what your parents do and be. I am working that one to death. I am working that one to death. It's a fantastic little trigger by which to flip a behavior pattern on the part of people in your vicinity.

You let them discover that you find it is awfully safe to do something and very unsafe to do something else by yourself doing it. Obviously doing it. And you will find out that they will learn by mimicry. And they will snap to it very fast. It just doesn't take any time. I mean, it's one of these very, very quick ones.

You walk over, you find somebody's been - some kid's been tearing up the flowers, see. All you have to do is not call their attention to it at all, you just walk over and start petting the flowers and being very gentle with them and looking at them and so forth. The next thing you know the kid leaves the flowers alone thoroughly. If you said to the kid, „Don't touch those flowers anymore,“ crash, see, we bring them right in on a terminal.

But training by example. I've even used this key a couple times lately around the office by discovering that it was very unsafe to do something. Real tricky.

Male voice: We've been talking about games, what are we doing talking about acting? Does it work?

A game requires a terminal. A terminal requires a role. Doesn't it?

Male voice: Yes.

One of the more interesting processes which was dredged up here in the last six months has never been relayed or used until I mention it to you right now, is „name some romantic roles.“ It's almost as good as inventing some games. It's a fabulous thing, I mean, it's fabulous. Name some romantic roles.

Female voice: Concerning that romantic roles as a game. I asked someone if they were kissing their wife, who would be doing it. So they started wisecracking, you see. And they said, „Oh, my grandfather. Oh, my mother.“ You know, just being funny. About five minutes, „Humphrey Bogart. Clark Gable.“ Really.


Female voice: And then I got the one answer, me. I said, „Fine. Who would be doing it if you were doing it now.“ Oh, here I go again. That's the one thing, nowadays, nobody is ever themselves in a romantic situation because they know, they wouldn't be acceptable.

Well, this „invent some romantic roles“ inhibits the fellow from scraping the bank clean. And inventing games inhibits him from that. You'd find if this would run, that's real good. You'd find it'd run faster, you said, „Now mock up a good person to kiss your wife. Now invent another person who would be a good person to kiss your wife.“ You'd find out a guy would have a rough time with this process.


Male voice: Acceptance level would chew in there.

Oh, wouldn't it.

Female voice: Could you do that with blackness? Invent somebody to...

With what? With roles?

Female voice: blackness, could you do that? Invent somebody to be black.

Well yes, but at the same time blackness is an absence. Blackness is an absence of communication. That's the end of it. That's a - that's a technical definition you can use. Blackness is an absence of communication. So it's of course an absence of terminal and roles.

Well, okay guys, we have kept you way over, and I hope that you can get on with this game a little bit hotter now. Actually such a process invents to a very marked degree the understanding of an auditor in using it. Although you will hear me giving out this process, even giving out these various angles of it, remember that the people listening to this are not under training, they are not under any responsibility to learn anything. They are not, in addition, using it actively in practice sessions. You get the idea? And in addition to that, people who are rather out of communication have a tendency to fight a communication formula.

One of the best ways that I would know of to learn this would simply - to just process the hell out of it on other people and get it processed pretty well. And a tremendous number of considerations way in addition to what I have told you are bound to show up. You can get a good subjective reality on any of this stuff Nothing is easier than getting a good one.

Now, I invite you to do something in your processing, just as a test, just as a test of processing regardless of whether it louses up the case or not, this we don't care about. But just do it as a test. I want you to melt down or make vanish at least one item, such as a ridge or a swelling or an abrasion - this, of course, I know is validating something bad; we don't care about that, see - in the preclear, at least one small item so that you actually can see this thing go by the boards. Got that? I want you to actually see something disappear.

But you have to pick out something, not something general like taking somebody's weight down or something like that, but just pick out something.

Now you can change the shape of a person's face almost at will with this process. You might even get in there sort of on a plastic surgery basis and completely remake somebody to look exactly like something or other by running the process just so long here and just so long there. It's almost molding. I want you to get this - this certainty on it if it is obtainable for you simply by processing something about the preclear.

Now, this will make you as an auditor, put you in a critical role, you understand, by picking out something. This immediately tells your preclear that you - that you have found a blemish. But I wouldn't say reduce his head, he probably needs it.

Okay? And anything I've been teaching you here now goes as a process. I've been teaching you about games, even romatic roles. Remember unromantic roles, see, that's too way south. Process toward life, process toward communication, process toward ability. You process toward those three things, you win. You process in some other direction, you lose.


(end of lecture)